John "Papa Jack" Kay, a 52-year faculty member at 'Iolani School, believed strongly in providing students with opportunities to conduct hands-on scientific research. To honor his legacy and to expand research opportunities for students across the state, the John & Violet Kay Summer Research Fellowship was established. Since 2014, students have spent their summers at ʻIolani Schoolʻs Sullivan Center for Innovation and Leadership Research Lab and various labs across the country, pursuing scientific research that addresses real-world challenges.

2023 kay Research Fellows Symposium

Logan Lee ‘25 - A study of microbiome transplantation in axenic Culex quinquefasciatus and implications for male mosquito fitness, Mentor: Ms. Lorraine “Mamo” Waianuhea

Kaelyn Pacpaco ‘25 - The effect of culturally tailored storytelling on mood and engagement of assisted living residents with dementia, Mentor: Dr. Megan Chock

Chase Graham ‘24 & Elle Mizue ‘24 - Using Machine Learning to predict phenotype from genotype in Oryza sativa, Mentor: Mr. Ethan Hill

Tim Sharipov ‘24 - Exploring the complexities of the soil microbiome and the effects of bacterial diversity on growth and nutrition of Lactuca sativa, Mentor: Dr. Yvonne Chan 

Chisato Tarui ‘25 & Audrey Lin ‘25 - The Impact of Urban Form in Honolulu on Carbon Emissions in the Household Sector, Mentors: Dr. Makena Coffman and Dr. Paul Bernstein

Elijah Devendra ‘25 - Determining the correlation between cytokines and Cognitive function in Post-Acute Sequelae of COVID-19, Mentors: Dr. Dominic Chow, Dr. Juwon Park

Chloe Sanada ‘26 - A study demonstrating the diversity of species of algae within the intertidal zone located in Haleiwa Beach Park, Mentors: Dr. Yvonne Chan, Dr. Ken Hayes, and Dr. Norine Yeung

Jaymie Frith ‘24 - Understanding the relationship between glutamate consumption and inflammatory gene expression through DNA methylation and demethylation, Mentor: Dr. Rafael Perez-David & Mr. Ethan Hill

Maddux Springer ‘24 & Elle Sugimoto ‘25 - Determining the distribution of native and invasive algae in Kaneohe Bay at turtle (Chelonia mydas) foraging sites, Mentor: Dr. Celia Smith

2022 kay Research Fellows Symposium

Holden Schermer and Kenjiro Otake ‘23 - Integrating the Canvas API with Google Apps Script to Create a Schedule-Tracking Assignment Creation Tool, Mentor: Ms. Okumura and Dr. Lara Lee

Zoe Hirashima ‘23Engineering An Ergonomic Modification for the Common Rollator and an Accompanying Educational Website

Ava Watanabe ‘23 - Identifying the overlap between the diet of Pseudorca crassidens and fisheries in Hawai’i using DNA extraction from stool samples, Mentor: Dr. Kristi West

Anabel Kinsey ‘23 - Implementing Market Information and Food Insecurity Response Analysis on O’ahu to Mitigate Emergency Relief Funds Vacuum

Katelyn Shu ‘23 - Responses to the Asian IAT - A Comparison Between Asian Americans and Euro Americans in Hawaiʻi and the Mainland US, Mentor: Dr. Kristin Pauker

Logan Lee and Tamara Lum ‘25 - Validating the Detection of Mosquito Species Aedes albopictus and Culex quinquefasciatus in Water Using eDNA, Mentors: Dr. Matthew Medeiros and Ms. Lorraine “Mamo” Waianuhea

Maddux Springer and Trenton Lau ‘24 - The Effects of Cesspools on Stable Isotope levels of Nitrogen -15 in Gracilaria salicornia in Kaneohe Bay That Increases Rates of Fibropapillomatosis In Chelonia mydas, Mentor: Dr. Celia Smith

Mackenna Tamanaha ’23 - Predicting the Suitability of Hypnea musciformis and Ulva lactuca in Future Climates Using Species Distribution Modeling

Yumi Mizobuchi ‘23 - A Sustainable Alternative to Textile Dyes: Synthesizing and Applying Starch Acetate Nanoparticles to Create Structural Coloration. Mentor: Ms. Saylors 

2021 kay Research Fellows Symposium

1. Seyeon Moon ‘22  - The Influence of Culture on Students’ Social Perceptions of other Students and Teachers

2. Scott Watanuki ‘22 - Developing a Convolutional Neural Network to Diagnose Cataracts for Early Treatment

3. Cheny Yang ‘22 - Identification of Relationship between mmpL4a Sequences of Clinical and Environmental NTM, Mentor: Dr. Chan, Dr. Jennifer Honda, Dr. Michael Strong

4. Avnish Gupta ‘23 - The Creation of a Convolutional Neural Network to Help Diagnose Chronic Ulcers, Mentor: Dr. Rajnish Gupta, Dr. Ryan Delahanty

5. Kailee Tanaka ‘22 and Marissa Kusumoto ‘22- Quantification of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Honolulu Beach Waters, Mentor: Dr. Yvonne Chan

6. Arisa Moore ‘23, Megan Ikeda ‘23 - Bioplastic Alternative for Six Pack Soda Rings from Food Waste 

Mentor: Ms. Jessica Lynn Saylors 

7. Clara Ontal ‘22, Yumi Mizobuchi ‘23 - Sustainable Structural Color Mentor: Ms. Jessica Lynn Saylors

8. Elise Danko ‘22 - Understanding Great White Shark Behavior in Nearshore Waters off Cape Cod

Mentor: Dr. Kristian Sexton

9.Clara Li and Mackenna Tamanaha ‘23- Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria and Total Coliform/E. Coli levels in Oahu’s Kahalu’u Stream, Beach, and Lagoon

Mentor: Dr. Chan, Dr. Dulai

10. Gina Wang ‘22 - Quorum sensing in Dickeya species novel, strain K61 

Mentor: Dr. Prescott, Ms. Christy Handel